
Raag Bhimpalasi belongs to Kafi that.This raag is very much associated with hot Indian afternoon.It has five notes ascending and seven notes descending.Kafi that is crowded with numerous raagas , so it is very important to pay attention on the pakads,otherwise one may inadvertently impinge upon them.Madhyam ie Ma is the most important note-an important nyaas(note for rest) sthaan.Ni and Ga are komal in this raag.

Aarohan-Ni(komal n lower) Sa Ga(komal) Ma,Pa Ni'(komal) Sa’.

Avrohan-Sa’Ni'(komal)Dh Pa Ma,Ga(komal) Re Sa.

Pakad-Ni(komal n lower) Sa Ga(komal) Ma,Ni'(komal)Dh Pa,Ma Pa,Ga(komal)Ma Ga(komal) Re Sa.


Komal-Ga and Ni.

Time-Third Phase of Day.



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