Raag Durga is very popular late evening raag of Hindustani classical music.The origin of raag Durga is obscure.It has been that this raag is derived from the south Indian Shuddha Saveri.Both Aarohan and Avrohan uses only five notes.’Ga’ and ‘Ni’ sur are not used.All other sur used are Shudh.It is a Purvang pradhan raag ie lower notes of the octave used frequently.Vadi sur is ‘Ma’ and Samwadi sur is ‘Sa’.
That– Bilawal.
Time of singing-Second Prahar of Night.
Aarohan-Sa Re Ma Pa Dh Sa’.
Avrohan-Sa’ Dh Pa Ma Re Sa.
Pakad-Sa Re Ma Re Pa Ma Dh Ma Re Sa.
Sa Re Sa Sa “Dh Sa, Sa Re Sa Ma Re Sa.
Sa Re Ma Re Pa Ma Dh Pa Dh Sa’ Dh Sa’ Dh Ma Re Sa.
Sa Re Ma Pa Dh Sa’Re’Dh Sa’ Sa’ Re’ Ma’ Re’ Sa’ Dh Ma Pa Dh Ma Re Sa.
Popular Songs Based on Durga Raag.
1. Chanda Re Mori Patiya Le Ja(Hindi)
Singer:Mukesh,Lata Mangeshkar.
Music Director:Pardesi.
2.Geet Gaya Patharon Ne (Hindi)
Film:Geet Gaya Patharon ne .
Singer: Asha Bhosle.
Music Director:Ramlal-Hirapanna.