Maru Bihaag.
April 5, 2016
Maru Bihag is a very melodious modern raag.It is very similar to Raag Bihaag.This belongs to Kalyan Thaat.Rishabh(Re) and Dhaivat(Dh)are not used in Aarohan.Rest all Surs used.Teevr Ma(one note above normal Ma) is used.Shudh Ma is used independently for eg:SaMaMaGa.Vadi Sur is Ga and Samvadi Sur is Ni.Jati is Audav-Sampoorna.Sur Pa is also very important in this Raag,so most of the times Vadi-Samvadi Sur becomes Pa-Sa respectively.This is generally sung in evening ie 4th Phase of Day.
Aarohan-‘Ni Sa Ga Ma(teevr) Pa Ni Sa.
Avrohan-Sa’Ni Dh Pa Ma(teevr) Ga Re Sa.
Pakad-Sa Ma Ma Ga,Ga Ma(teevr)Pa Ma(teevr)Pa.
Bandish:Tarsat Rain Deena Peeya Bin Mora.