Laya and Layakari
“Laya” means Rythm and “Kari ” means doing . It is basically everything related to rhythm of music i.e. singing ,dance and intrumental. Though Laya...
Nibadh and Anibadh Gayan
Anibadh singing is a way of singing free of any structure. It was sung in ancient times. It did not have Sur and Taal. Nibadh...
Samprakritik Raag.
Raagas are born from Thaat.That is the reason Thaat is known as Janak(one who gives birth)and raagas born from it are known as Janya raag.Samprakritik...
Adharvdarshak Swar.
In Classical music,Madhyam swar plays an important role in deciding the time of singing is known as Adharvdarshak swar.Morning raags have influence of Shudh...
Swar Samvad.
The combination of two Swars produce a sound which is known as Dhwani.This Dhwani is sometimes soothing to ears and sometimes bad.If the Dhwani produced...
Meend is a glide to go from one Swar to another without any obstruction.In order to show the presence of the middle swars a Meend...
Sparsh Swara
Sparsh in hindi means ‘touch’. Swara means the surs in hindustani classical music i.e. Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dh Ni. To know more about...
Sankirna Raag.
A raag which is formed by combination of two or more raags is known as sankirna raag.For eg:Mishr khamaaj and Bhairav Bahar etc....
Vakr Swar.
While singing Aarohan or Avrohan,we take diversion from a Swar to a previous swar and then come back to the old swar.The swar from which...
Grah, Ansh and Nyaas
In olden times hindustani classical music followed a strict form. Raga had some stringent rules too. The swara with which a Raag starts was called...