Author: Aditi Jha


The origin of music is “Naad”.It is a musical sound.It is a series of regular vibrations in a medium like air(as opposed to irregular vibrations,which...

Alhaiya Bilawal

Raag Alhaiya Bilawal is famous raag of Hindustani classical music.All sur are shudh in this raag but in aarohan sometimes Dh Ni Dh Pa is...


The Kafi is an important raag of Hindustani classical music.This raag corresponds to Kharaharapriya in Carnatic music .Kafi that is also famous among the ten...


Raag  Yaman is also known as Emaan in West Asia  and Kalyan in Carnatic classical music.It is supposed to be one of the most fundamental...


Raag Khamaj is one of the ten thaats of Hindustani Music.It is also a specific raag with Khamaj that.Many ghazals and thumris  are based on...


Raag Durga is very popular late evening raag of Hindustani classical music.The origin of raag Durga is obscure.It has been that this raag is derived...


Raag Bhairav is a very common raag.According to mythology , it was the first raag .It is believed that it emanated directly from the face...


Raag Bageshri is a Hindustani Classical raag.It is a popular raag of late night,which is meant to depict the emotion of a woman waiting  for...

Brindabani Sarang

In Indian Classical Music Sarang is also known as Vrindavani Sarang or Brindabani Sarang.It is a pentatonic (5 notes) scale raag.It is parent raag of...


Raag Bihag is a popular  raag of Indian Classical Music.Its strong characteristic is the use of both Tivr and shudh ‘Ma’.Opinion differs as to...